There's no Location a portable gym shack is to remote for.
1. Our rental services of Oilfield Laundry Facilities keep service hands and rig workers dirty coveralls from contaminating camp washers and street clothing
2. The Extra washroom is to eliminate the use of the rig managers/medics washroom by outside influences
- 10’ x 30’ skid shack on skids is propane heated
- 8' x 20' C-can on Skids is Electric heat 30 Amp service
- Contain 600 - 1250 gallon water tanks
- 1 or 2 Commercial heavy duty Washer
-1 or 2 Commercial Electric or Gas Dryers
- 10 or 22 gallon hot water tank
- Portable Laundry - Oilfield Laundry Facilities
-Single stall washroom
“Physical activity plays an important role in the health, well-being and quality of life of Canadians.
People who are physically active live longer, and healthier lives.
Active people are more productive, and more likely to avoid illness and injury.”